Monday, April 18, 2011

A Nurse's Note vol.9 "Moonlight"

This is a blog entry by a Japanese nurse who joined emergency response team at shelters in damaged area, due to a series of earthquake and tsunami hit Eastern Japan, on March 11, 2011.  Originally, these entries were written in Japanese, and spoken widely in Japanese.  I decided to translate and summarize her notes in English, so that more people can understand what is actually going on in Japan.

She is a nurse who works in Tokyo, and her hospital formed emergency medical response team after series of massive earthquake and tsunami hit Eastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
You can find the previous entry in here: A Nurse's Note vol.8 "Temporary Housing".
The first entry of this story is here: A Nurse's Note vol.1 "To The Damaged Area"


Night of March 19, 2011

I was expecting I might be able to have some rest tonight, but there were several people with fever or stomach pain. So we were going to sleep in medical vehicle, taking a turn.
It was better to sleep together with people in gym, but I needed to be responsible.

It seemed very bright toward driver's seat, so I went to see.
There was a huge moon and its light!!
Was it just tonight?
Or was something going on?

If it was so bright every night, people here wouldn't be so scared.
Lots of people came out to see this moonlight from inside gym, and they were smiling.

May everybody in damaged area be blessed with smiles and happiness.

May no more sadness be brought in here any more.

I was expecting the arrival of medical supplies by over night delivery.
Thanks to all of people who packaged, and truck drivers.

I will be helping out people who are moving to temporary housings in other prefectures.

Today, I talked to an old lady and she said it would be very difficult to leave here after living in Takata for 90years.  There was Marine and Seashell Museum in her neighborhood, so she liked watching visitors' smile everyday.
She and her husband were poor after World War II, but built a house, bought a ship to fish, and were talking about live cozily with grandkids after they retire.
And this disaster took everything away.

She said, "If we could build this up again like before, but we are not young," crying and her teas did not stop.
It broke my heart to think of leaving own hometown.
Even though it is temporary move, it would be very stressful to senior people to move out and leave Takata.
However, people waiting there have warm heart, warm place, and meal. It is just a while!

I started feeling reluctant to go back to Tokyo too.

Continued to volume 10 "Tomorrow Will Be Better Than Today".


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